android top 10 apps
I have read a few top 10 android

articles, they always seem to not include what I feel are the best free apps.

I know that these lists are very subjective and most likely what one person (author) thinks is a must have.

So i will be adding my free top 10, the apps that I think will help improve the usefulness of you new android smartphone.


This was probably the first thing I looked for! A much more advanced email client. When I started to search I was looking for a good free email app. Well I got lucky, maildroid does everything i want and more.

Lets go over the pro's
  • it's free
  • Multiple email's, imapi, pop, exchange and custom server support
  • Frequent updates from Developer
  • Not a drain on the battery
  • Combined inbox main page (see all emails on one page)

  • Let's cover the con's
  • It's now add supported, which is ok if there is a paid version to buy. the developer has not released a paid version yet, he wants to work out the bugs before he ask's for money. I would have much prefered a donation link to get rid of ad's
  • No way to backup email settings, so if by chance you have to reinstall the app. You will also have to re-enter all your email settings
  • I would like to see a live widget to show unread email count

  • To install Maildroid you can search the market or use the QR code below.


    Not sure what a QR code is? Read about QR codes here.

    Titanium Backup

    I guess having a backup plan for all of our electrnoics is a must have. From out comuters to our music and photo's. So it should go without saying we would want one for our smartphone. and why not get the best!!!

    Lets go over the pro's
  • It can also remove locked apps. (you need root to do this)
  • Simple to use
  • Support for multiple devices
  • best of all it just works

  • Let's cover the con's
  • Your phone will need to be rooted, not sure what root is? read about it here.
  • If you want the full features (not needed for backup) you will have to pay for the pro version. the cost is 5.99
  • As good as it is I would like to see the price come down, maybe 2.99

  • To install Titanium Backup you can search the market or use the QR code below.

    titanium backup

    Not sure what a QR code is? Read about QR codes here.

    GO Launcher EX
    go launcher ex

    Home Screen replacement, ok this is a must have and you may not even know why? Let me fill you in, do you find having four icons on the launch bar not enough? Would you like to squeese a few more icons on the desktop? maybe you would like to change the dock background? If any of these questions made you say yes then Launcherpro is what you need. I have tried a few home replements and as far as I'm concerned launcherPro is by far the best and fastest.

    Lets go over the pro's
  • upto three docks that you can scroll through, so a total of fourteen icons
  • Add notifactions to dock icons. So gmail shows unread email count
  • EX version allows themes
  • fast and stable
  • Backup settings

  • Let's cover the con's
  • Sometimes to many options can be to much
  • Can be hard on the battery, dev is working on it.

  • To install Go Launcher EX you can search the market or use the QR code below.

    go launcher ex

    Not sure what a QR code is? Read about QR codes here.

    AppBrain App Market
    app brain

    If you have not heard about the App Brain you have been missing out. This is how the Android market place should have been. the biggest improvement for me is the ability to browse and search for apps on my computer and then having App Brain push them to my phone. yes that's right the new App Brain can push the apps you select on your computer right to your phone. Plus there are better search peramaters and a whole lot more. Do your self a favor and check it out.

    Lets go over the pro's
  • Browse apps from your computer
  • Install apps from your computer to your phone
  • Better search functions
  • Shows recommended apps based on yuour installed apps
  • It's free

  • Let's cover the con's
  • None really, other than if you look for apps on your phone with App Brain it can show you apps that are not allowed in your location

  • To install App Brain you can search the market or use the QR code below.

    app brain

    Not sure what a QR code is? Read about QR codes here.

    Handcent SMS

    Do you like to SMS? Well if you are a big on texting and dont have this, then you might as well stop looking and just install it. Yes it's that good and one of the best default android replcement apps I have used. Go ahead give it a try and let me know what you think.

    Lets go over the pro's
  • it's free
  • Very customizable
  • Backup SMS
  • looks much nicer than default app

  • Let's cover the con's
  • I have no compliants

  • To install Handcent you can search the market or use the QR code below.


    Not sure what a QR code is? Read about QR codes here.

    ES File explorer
    es file explorer

    When it comes to searching the file system I have tried a few of the apps out there. The one thing that rings true is I always come back to ES File explorer. It works, works well, does more than I need and has built in network sharing that works. So with all this and several add-ons why use anything else? In my opinion this is the best file explorer on the market.

    Lets go over the pro's
  • it's free
  • Add-ons, task manager, manage apps, and more
  • Connects to networks like local network, FTP and Bluetooth
  • Great search function

  • Let's cover the con's
  • Again I have no compliants, it does what it does very well

  • To install ES File explorer you can search the market or use the QR code below.

    es file explorer

    Not sure what a QR code is? Read about QR codes here.

    Andy-83, aka Ti-xx

    All I can say is WOW, if you need / or want a calculator why try any other. You never know when the next time you need to do trigonometry. LOL. All kiding aside this is a must have.

    Lets go over the pro's
  • No other calc ever needed
  • Dev keeps it updated
  • Just plan old cool

  • Let's cover the con's
  • Again I have no compliants, it does what it does very well

  • To install Andy-83 you can search the market or use the QR code below.


    Not sure what a QR code is? Read about QR codes here.


    No big surpirise here, Just a must have to search and find that song you hear and can't remember the name of. My favorite part is the ability to send the results to either Twitter, SMS or a few others. I tend to just send all my finds to Twitter. The free version only allows you to search 5 songs a month. So depending on your usage the free version might be enough. As for me I opted for the paid version and feel it was worth every penney.

    Lets go over the pro's
  • Has a free version
  • Supports sending results to mutiple accounts
  • Accuracy is pretty good, my results are about 1 to 20. missing 1 out of 20
  • Easy to use

  • Let's cover the con's
  • The paid version is a little pricey, 4.76
  • would like to see a way to save searches to the sd card

  • To install Shazam you can search the market or use the QR code below.


    Not sure what a QR code is? Read about QR codes here.

    Beautiful Widgets
    beautiful widgets

    Ok I confess, I love the HTC clock and weather widget and Beautiful Widgets is by far the best way to duplicate this. I have had this installed from day one and it was the first app I paid for. other than a few glitches here and there I have no complaints as the developer keeps it updated very well. If you like the HTC clock look no further and try out Beautiful widgets

    Lets go over the pro's
  • Looks awsome
  • Has 2 different styles, small and large
  • Comes with widgets for brightness, wifi, bluetooth airplane, silent, vibrate, mobile, gps, data, and a few others
  • Lots of weather and clock skins, have a look at the aiprot clock skin. It's my favorite
  • Easy to use

  • Let's cover the con's
  • None, just love it

  • To install Beautiful Widgets you can search the market or use the QR code below.

    beautiful widgets

    Not sure what a QR code is? Read about QR codes here.


    Get all the benefits of Skype on your Android phone so you can save money and stay in touch when you're out and about.

    Lets go over the pro's
  • Simple to use
  • Saves money

  • Let's cover the con's
  • Really needs a wi fi connection, unless you have a good data plan

  • To install Skype you can click here or use the QR code below.


    Not sure what a QR code is? Read about QR codes here.


    These are my favorite free top 10 apps, as I'm sure this will change in time as more and more apps are coming to Android.

    feel free to share yours below. It's nice to see what everyone else is using. Maybe I'm missing out on the best app ever!!!

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    Archived Articles


    February 18, 2013
    February 17, 2013
    February 15, 2013
    February 14, 2013
    January 18, 2013
    January 28, 2012
    Febuary 22, 2011
    Febuary 21, 2011
    Febuary 13, 2011
    December 19, 2010
    December 7, 2010
    November 22, 2010
    November 20, 2010
    November 6, 2010
    November 3, 2010
    October 19, 2010
    September 19, 2010

    So many new apps are coming!!

    It has been reported that android just hit 30,000 apps. Yeah i know it's still way behind the iphone, but I do suspect that this number will double by christmas. The way I look at it is you can install an application from bluetooth, usb, download from your phone and more, so it will make other sites pop up as time goes on to sell apps.

    Just read an article that even AOL is getting in on the android app business and has developed 2 apps already. ;-) Yeah I know who is still using AOL. L0L